... of dental and porridge

Posted by Roger A. Tetrahart at 19:15

28 December 2005

Today's dental a bit special. Why? I have no idea why I the dentist placed the rubber across the front of my teeth. So, I cannot eat properly or speak properly (not that I could before... hehe...). I can't open my mouth properly for goodness sake! Kinda beats the purpose of changing the colours of the modules...

Need a reason why I didn't go for 2nite's exco dinner? There.

Back to the topic, I didn't have the Tiong Bahru chee quay this time. Not after the vomitting incident. So headed home for porridge. Rained again while I was having it. No complains though. The purplish blue dusk sky, orange glow from the street lamp light, and the visible rain drops falling under the glow, accompanied by the light patters of rain and far-away engines of vehicles passing by. 很有 きもち leh!

Please don't kill me for putting Chinese, Japanese and Singlish together... What can I say? I'm a twisted linguist. :p