... of ultimate moe-ism?! (edited)

Posted by Roger A. Tetrahart at 23:24

12 July 2006

Haruhi teasing Mikuru

While there's Haruhi-ism, there's got to be the Mikuru-ism! Reviews weren't kidding about extreme cute-ism in "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya".

youtube it, but warning you about the episode jumping. I'm told the novel itself could be as messy, but i've conjectured why the author does it... now to finish the series to see if I'm right.

:edit: Yes! I was right about the heightening of emotions towards the end of "Haruhi". It's kinda hard to explain without spoilers, but I've grown to love the character in a gradual way, with a much fulfiling ending than it would have been for a normal storyline. So, please watch it in the way the episodes are given to us for a better fulfilment.