... of chocolates

Posted by Roger A. Tetrahart at 20:32

24 October 2005

Wooooohoo!!! I've just gotten M&S chocolates!! Authentic one, oK? All the way from Europe! Not the ones you go down to Orchard to get. Got 2 sticks and one whole bar!! Wooooohoo!!!

... and I'm sick.

*er-herm* ANYWAY, The sticks were watery and actually bendable when I got them. Can tell got no more shape. Two nights of air travel and this is what happens... Hahah...

Since with the recent chocolate issues, I'm putting up what my cuz posted recently:

"It's not that chocolates are a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, let's face it, far more reliable than a man." - Grace Graciala

I'm not even going to start. Debate all you want. In the comments, that is. Leave my tagboard alone, you lazy bums. *BLEH*