... of taxis, pets and nicks

Posted by Roger A. Tetrahart at 02:01

30 November 2005

Argh, tonight's taxi really took a really long route. But to be sheltered from the rain is really comforting to know.

And the lightning won't be able to hit me in the rain because I'm 22 years old. Proof? The gods got so angry that I found out this secret, and made us wait for an hour for a taxi. In the rain. Tired.

But happy!

*Salute!* is my first nick that doesn't require you to open your mouth to call me. Wow.

Perfect birthday gifts! Pets Over Night Dot Com (from GTA3)


Roger A. Tetrahart said...

Oh yea! Had a close brush with the Chinese "Dragostea din Tei" song on the taxi. Hikki was on my iPod to save me from this dreadful scenario.

"Passion" rocks!