... of 「ネムカード おねがいします!」

Posted by Roger A. Tetrahart at 11:57

31 March 2006

LAJ1201 students think our lecturer as cute! Small things like licking the tip of her fingers when she flips the paper. Or attempting to describe the difference between 爱人 and 恋人 as "(the previous) you don't just go to the coffee shop and that's it." Or the use of those red/black lead pencils like a primary school teacher.

Tutors too! Once every TA, TB, TC, it's a must to hear 「ネムカード おねがいします!」, or we start feeling uneasy.

And my TB tutor always says 「こんいちわ」when it's 10am in the morning.

And my TC tutor replacing words with 「いいえ、いいえ」
Eg.「土曜日。。。いいえ、いいえ。火曜日です! 土曜日。。。いいえ、いいえ。火曜日です!」

I love TCs. I love learning Japanese.

Too bad equivalent trade does not work with my results. 「いいえ、いいえ。」 Hahaha...