... of conflicts

Posted by Roger A. Tetrahart at 00:18

26 August 2005

What are conflicts? We see them all the time. It's almost everywhere in every way. Politics, backstabbing, hate and pretend faces. But... should I have that little faith in people?

I'll start by saying what I want to believe. I want to believe that everyone does not in any intention to cause anyone else trouble. I cannot imagine being thought as the 'sabotager', but not realise that I had even in the mind to try to be so. So, surely the person that I have thought to have backstabbed me may not have intended so.

Ever so often have I encountered people who actually thought I'm trying to "play games" behind them, and believe me, I was shocked that I stood stunned for the next few minutes. "No! Never!" was I all I could cry out in my heart.

Perhaps I was given a gift to see things simple, or simply my esteem disallowed my anger, that I know that whatever unfortunate happens, there's always a reason. let me illustrate...

1) That guy cut queue in front of me, and made me unable to board the bus. Sure, he could have been just damned selfish. Hey, maybe he needs to get to the hospital fast to see his relative in the hospital.

2) My friend complained that his boss dumped him a pile of work just before he could go for his 1 month holiday, thus the boss dispises him. Sure, the boss could be damn biased. Hey, maybe the boss' boss is the ass here.

3) That guy backstabbed me again! I do a better work than you! That no good piece of crap! Sure, he could be just plain evil. Hey, maybe he's just plain scared of undermining my work, and asked someone to help provide suggestion to my work.

Yah, what are the chances? But remember there is always a reason of some sort. You know how it is, that sometimes when you chat with someone, and it ends up in sudden akward silence. I'm saying that somehow, bad circumstances land ourselves in discontent, and suddenly suspicion arises.

Also remember that our suspicion comes from lack-of- or mis-understanding. Would you suspect your best friend if he told you your work sucked? Of course not. Let not our short period of knowing a person control our logic.

But then, if you're sure that that particular person is just plain evil, go ahead and hate him. I'd probably hate him with you. Bwahahah.... (6)

I've been lucky I guess. The video unit I worked in had politics, but usually a unspoken consesus. Any conflicts happen b4? No! Because everyone could find someone to talk to in the department, and find out that their discontent actually came from a bad situation that befell the department. (DiTV, you rock.)

Now, having joined JSS, I realised that there were more issues than I could thought could be. Wished I had more time to understand it too. But one thing's for sure, I could be sure that the next generation has the ability to handle future ones. I stand witness the rapport, and know that we can be really open to one another. There is only a flight of soaring heights for the club.